
Examples of vector X and Y

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Thank you for you code. But sorry, I don't understand how to use it. Could you please explain how to set up data for training in vector X and Y? Could you please provide more details?

Hello, I have the same question. Have you got it?

@whuissyxa I have the same question too , have you got it?

It's on README.

X is numpy array with the shape of (num_samples, num_features) and y is numpy array with the shape of (num_samples, ). y is the score which you would like to rank based on (e.g., Sales of the products, page view, etc).

if you have any further questions, feel free to post it here.

no qid/ group id is required?

shmed commented

@shiba24 , I'm also interested in the answer to the question @Royisaboy is asking. How can we do "listwise" training without being able to specify lists? Are we supposed to call "fit" multiple times in a row for all the lists we have? Or is it meant to be trained on a single very long list? Thank you


I have the same question. And I have read README., y)
Here, X is numpy array with the shape of (num_samples, num_features) and y is numpy array with the shape of (num_samples, ). y is the score which you would like to rank based on (e.g., Sales of the products, page view, etc).

In my recommendation system, I got a recommended list. And I want to re-rank the list by adding more info. But I don't understand the data format of X, y in your code.

Can I directly set X with N_features, and y with only probabilities (such as 0/1), if the data is not divided into groups. Thank you.

@shiba24, I have a question : Each problem has several documents. Does X contain all the document features of a problem, or can it contain all the document features of all problems? That is to say, when you train, do you just train one problem at a time or do you train all problems together. What would the X form look like if we could train it together. Suppose I now have two questions, qid1 contains four documents, each with a feature, and qid2 contains three documents, can I type X and y like this? X = np. Array ([[[1], [2], [3], [4]], [[2], [3], [5]]]), y = np. Array ([,2,1,1 [2], [1 0]])