Port to Java / Processing
shiffman opened this issue · 4 comments
Saw this port and thought might as well share the port i made. if your intressed.
Cool! Im planning to do a lot more work on the repo this month so will revisit soon! Feel free to pull request a link from the README if you like!
I am also working on my own version of a Processing compatible NN library from scratch but heavily inspired by this one. As an enhancement it supports custom layer sizes. It uses the JAMA library for matrix math, but I am planning on writing my own implementation with more standard function names. Repo is at https://github.com/MatiasConTilde/simpleNN, but not quite finished.
Exciting! As soon as I get through my tutorials covering this library all built form scratch it's my intention to use http://deeplearnjs.org for all the matrix math. I also would like to support custom layer sizes, but keeping it simple for now for the tutorials.