
Old Database Table Cleanup

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We have a lot of unused tables (I think) so let's go through and clean them up.

  • caladdress - address looking with various points around the city tied to addresses. (1649 rows)
  • calcount - Counts stored with the date ranges, ranging from 2008-2017. (4284 rows)
  • caldaily - newsflash related? 17,000 rows. Goes into 2026.
  • calevent - THE table. No-a touch-a.
  • calforum - Appears to be a forum decommissioned in 2018, full of folks looking for ride photos or the live ride itself! (2876 rows)
  • calshare - lookup table, 9 rows
  • mugDialog - culled and saved in ~backup/mugdialog.txt
  • mugdialog - culled and saved in ~backup/mugdialog.txt
  • pp20apr2006 - 132 events- unsure if archive or single copy of information.
  • ppdistro - appears to be a distribution list of pp flyers(?) with names attached. 55 rows. Table comment: "Tracks locations of PP calendars and posters"
  • ppforum - Seems an earlier (2007) attempt at a forum. 116 rows.
  • rideIdea - Coupla hundred rows in here. Leaving be for now.
  • rideidea - empty, dropped.
  • sched - Seems to be the 2007 version of the single use calendar.