

annalukoko opened this issue · 9 comments

Theorem, definition, lemma, proof...make change as follows: \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section]


English version: Chapter title not bold, section and subsections title are not bold. But section number is bold.

trying out this solution ..bolding sections,chapters,subsections
\author{张 三}
\titleformat{\chapter}%[hang]% or use [display]or [hang]or [block]
{\Large\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter \ }{0pt}{\Large\bfseries \centering #1}

{\normalfont\large\bfseries} {\thesection}{10pt}{\large\bfseries #1 }

{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries} {\thesubsection}{10pt}{\normalsize\bfseries #1 }

{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries} {\thesubsubsection}{10pt}{\normalsize\bfseries #1 }

Hello, thanks for your code. But there is another problem: the tablename is "表" instead of "table". I have spent a whole morning to sovle this problem but failed. Can you helpe me fix this problem? Thanks!

thanks, I have solved it myself.
will be okay.

Sorry, my apologize. Thanks very much.

1.How about chapter titles in the table of contents? They are not bold in my case. Also sections and subsections are plain. Is there a way to do it .cls file without \renewcommand. @Fordacre .
2. if you use \documentclass[onlychapters], the references disappear. Any possible solution.
3. Is the pdf font New Times Roman

  1. I think it is not necessary to make the titles bold in the table of contents, for there is not such requirement in our instructions. Or, maybe you can refer to "tocmatter".
  2. The references will appear, only if you complie the .aux. So, make sure you do the four steps complie again.
  3. Yes, font is Times New Roman.