

Closed this issue · 14 comments







像上面字体的效果左边pdflatex的引擎相比右边xelatex看起来要单薄得多,看pdf更加明显。总的来说pdflatex不是一个适合调用系统字体的引擎。还有就是对Times New Roman字体的支持,latex自带的times字体并不真正是Times New Roman,效果也要略逊一筹,不知道CTEX对这个问题是怎么处理的。



Times New Roman字体是一个需要付费的有版权的字体,不能随意使用。

不管则么样,xetex编译出来的效果用阅读器看确实更漂亮一些。真要纠结版权的话SimSun和SimHei也是有版权的,况且在windows上编译使用字体本身并不超越许可。pdflatex确实没有兼容性问题,但是ctex就不一定了,我觉得是有隐患的。而且学校格式说明上写的就是Times New Roman,不是其他任何一种长得像的字体。





@WangEn 您好,请问那个字体问题就没法解决吗?我把这个latex生成的pdf和word模板都打印出来,比较后发现差别还是有点大,毕竟一眼就能看出来pdf字体略小,间距大,没有word字体饱满。

@thesby 估计只能换编译引擎了,XeLaTeX编译的字体效果应该是可以的,我在重新写一个模板,目前还有一些小问题,你可以先用一下试试。overleaf上可以下载到,能帮忙改一下代码当然更好。



makeindex -s $ -t $jobname.glg -o $jobname.gls $jobname.glo
makeindex -s $ -t $jobname.alg -o $jobname.acr $jobname.acn


This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2016)
The top-level auxiliary file: thesis.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: contents/Cabstract.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: contents/Eabstract.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterA.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterB.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterC.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterD.aux
The style file: uestcthesis.bst
new.block is an unknown function---line 83 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 455 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 503 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 555 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 599 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1139 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1170 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1179 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1209 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1218 of file uestcthesis.bst
*publisher is an unknown function---line 1882 of file uestcthesis.bst
* * is an unknown function---line 1891 of file uestcthesis.bst
Database file #1: contents/reference.bib
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry wang1999sanwei
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry liuxf2006
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry liuxf2006
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry zhu1973wulixue
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry chen2001hao
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You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry chen2001hao
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry gu2012lao
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry feng997he
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry xiao2012yi
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry zhong1994zhong
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry clerc2010discrete
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
"\" can't start a style-file command---line 2637 of file uestcthesis.bst
 : \endinput
(Error may have been on previous line)
(There were 24 error messages)


makeindex -s $ -t $jobname.glg -o $jobname.gls $jobname.glo
makeindex -s $ -t $jobname.alg -o $jobname.acr $jobname.acn


This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2016)
The top-level auxiliary file: thesis.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: contents/Cabstract.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: contents/Eabstract.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterA.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterB.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterC.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: chapters/ChapterD.aux
The style file: uestcthesis.bst
new.block is an unknown function---line 83 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 455 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 503 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 555 of file uestcthesis.bst
remove.dots is an unknown function---line 599 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1139 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1170 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1179 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1209 of file uestcthesis.bst
format.pages is an unknown function---line 1218 of file uestcthesis.bst
*publisher is an unknown function---line 1882 of file uestcthesis.bst
* * is an unknown function---line 1891 of file uestcthesis.bst
Database file #1: contents/reference.bib
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry wang1999sanwei
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry liuxf2006
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry liuxf2006
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry zhu1973wulixue
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry chen2001hao
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry chen2001hao
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry gu2012lao
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry feng997he
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry xiao2012yi
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry zhong1994zhong
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry clerc2010discrete
while executing---line 2628 of file uestcthesis.bst
"\" can't start a style-file command---line 2637 of file uestcthesis.bst
 : \endinput
(Error may have been on previous line)
(There were 24 error messages)

