- 0
Loader 将子插件 dispose 视为整个插件 dispose
#19 opened by CyanChanges - 3
Feature Request: 优化错误信息展示
#12 opened by bili-22 - 1
Calling the same function with same argument however it's still not equal
#16 opened by undefined-moe - 0
Bug: 上下文中的 method 无法访问私有属性
#18 opened by CyanChanges - 0
- 0
- 1
Feature Request: 支持在配置文件里使用环境变量
#13 opened by dingyi222666 - 1
- 2
- 4
- 6
Feature Request: 为cordis增加全局错误处理接口
#2 opened by ConstasJ - 6
Bug: service goes wrong (including not accessible) when call app.stop and app.start repeatedly
#1 opened by TimeBather