
mpv-x86_64-20220206-git-0197729.7z broken on Windows 7?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I'm running MPV on two different 64 bit Windows 7 PCs.
I just updated to mpv-x86_64-20220206-git-0197729.7z from mpv-x86_64-20220116-git-1ba0547.7z and it seems broken.
No video playback, just a white screen. Audio plays okay.
Starts up with a white window too, no message to drag and drop files to play them.

Works on my win10. Try run without config, mpv --no-config

No difference.
(The only thing in my mpv.conf was hwdec=auto)

Try this

Unfortunately that seems no better.

Over on the CCCP IRC channel JEEB said:

BrianG61UK: apparently the addition of the UNORDERED_ACCESS flag causes that with intel (on Win7). are you on intel?

I am on Intel on both the PCs.

I must admit I don't know what the UNORDERED_ACCESS flag is or who/what sets it where.

I will also add that I'd be disappointed, but I would understand and accept if you decide to drop support for Windows 7.

avih commented

Should probably be fixed by this mpv-player/mpv#9851

Until it's fixed, adding this config should workaround the issue: --d3d11-flip=no.

Yes --d3d11-flip=no fixes it.
Thank you very much for your help and for your mpv binaries.

Nothing seems to work on Windows 7 now.