
build trouble, need any help?

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I'm build mpv-winbuild-cmake in ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS.(cmake:3.28.0-rc5)

when input 'ninja mpv', the following error occured.


and, the following is the rubberband-build-out.log

despite something wrong , i don't know what it is.

any advice? thx,bro

What's in the rubberband-build-error.log?

It is possible that OOM is triggered by insufficient memory, you can increase the memory or limit the number of concurrent jobs with -DMAKEJOBS=n.

@zhongfly, thx for ur concern, the build process was nothing wrong. the problem was out of memory. from yesterday until now, I appreciate ur concern sincerely. thx bro.

@Andarwinux, u'r right. it was because of the OOM. my ubuntu machine has 8gb memroy. that's the cause. I enlarge the memory, the problem solved. during compiling, the terminal sometimes has quitted without any warning. now if it was because of oom, I can understand it. thx for ur advice. it was a huge help to me. thx