
Can't install on Windows 11

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've been running an older version for months but I can't get the latest Windows download to work. Copied everything into a folder, double-click mpv.exe, dismiss Windows warning then nothing. And nothing showing in Task Manager.

How to debug?

do you have an error ID 1000 in windows event viewer ?
do you have vulkan enabled in mpv.conf ?
if so you may disable vulkan and use default mpv hwdec
before disabling vulkan :
you could debug if you like with m$ windbg from github but you need to use zhongfly mpv + mpv.pdb in same directory

Thanks for the reply. I did solve this by deleting a line in the conf file but didn't keep a note of what I deleted. I now just have vo=gpu-next and it's working again. If I can find the old version in a backup, I'll post that here.