
Failing stack creation when Chaos Monkey is disabled

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
The pipeilne create-full-set does not support the creation of full-sets with a disabled Chaos Monkey component. The acceptance test stage in the pipeline only supports full-sets with enabled chaos monkey component.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Disable chaos monkey in the configuration profile
  2. Go to e.g. aem-opencloud-5.12.1-pre.0/manage-environments/aws/aem-full-set-rhel7-aem65-jdk8-sandpit-sandpit/create-full-set
  3. Click on Build with parameters
  4. See error

Expected behavior
The create-full-set pipeline should support the creation of FUll-Sets with disabled Chaos monkey component

Environment (please complete the following information if relevant):

  • Any AEM OpenCloud Version

Additional context
Error mesage:

Profile: AEM-AWS InSpec profile (aem-aws)
Version: 2.4.0
Target:  local://

[38;5;9m  ×  full-set-cloudwatch-alarms-exists: Check if full-set cloudwatch alarms exist (7 failed)[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorDispatcher-AtLeastOneUnHealthyAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorDispatcher-MoreThanOneUnHealthyAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorDispatcher-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorDispatcher-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorDispatcher-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorDispatcher-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorDispatcher-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorDispatcher-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorDispatcher-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorDispatcher-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Author-SyncDelayAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Author-MultiAuthorInstanceAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Author-NoAuthorInstanceAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorPrimary-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorPrimary-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorPrimary-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorPrimary-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorPrimary-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorPrimary-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorPrimary-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorPrimary-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorStandby-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorStandby-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorStandby-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorStandby-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorStandby-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorStandby-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-AuthorStandby-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-AuthorStandby-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-ChaosMonkey-NoInstanceAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Warning-ChaosMonkey-NoInstanceAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-ChaosMonkey-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Warning-ChaosMonkey-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-ChaosMonkey-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Critical-ChaosMonkey-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-ChaosMonkey-CPUHighAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Warning-ChaosMonkey-CPUHighAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-ChaosMonkey-CPUHighAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Critical-ChaosMonkey-CPUHighAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-ChaosMonkey-MemoryHighAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Warning-ChaosMonkey-MemoryHighAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;9m     ×  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-ChaosMonkey-MemoryHighAlarm"
     expected #has_all_full_set_cloudwatch_alarms?("Critical-ChaosMonkey-MemoryHighAlarm") to return true, got false[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Orchestrator-NoInstanceAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Orchestrator-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Orchestrator-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Orchestrator-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Orchestrator-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Orchestrator-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Orchestrator-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-PublishDispatcher-AtLeastOneUnHealthyAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-PublishDispatcher-MoreThanOneUnHealthyAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-PublishDispatcher-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-PublishDispatcher-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-PublishDispatcher-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-PublishDispatcher-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-PublishDispatcher-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-PublishDispatcher-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-PublishDispatcher-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-PublishDispatcher-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Publish-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Publish-RootDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Publish-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Publish-DataDiskSpaceHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Publish-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Publish-CPUHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Warning-Publish-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m
[38;5;41m     ✔  acceptance should have all full set cloudwatch alarms "Critical-Publish-MemoryHighAlarm"[0m

Profile Summary: 0 successful controls, [38;5;9m1 control failure[0m, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: [38;5;41m54 successful[0m, [38;5;9m7 failures[0m, 0 skipped
make[1]: *** [test-acceptance-full-set] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/shinesolutions/aem-opencloud-manager/aem-test-suite/vendor/inspec-aem-aws'
make: *** [test-acceptance-architecture-full-set] Error 2