
reconfig_aem.pp restarts AEM even if it is not necessary to do so

Closed this issue · 2 comments


exec { "service aem-${aem_id} stop":

This means the AEM author/publish service will be restarted everytime a reconfig is called, even if it does not involve any changes that require an AEM restart.

@henrykuijpers I agree with you it shouldn't be required for AEM to restart. We are doing some offline-tasks during the reconfiguration, but these offline-tasks can be done before AEM starts I've alrady updated the reconfiguration logic with this PR:


We are planning to merge this PR soonish.

In the future the reconfiguration is done in two steps, a pre part and the main part. The pre part does all action which needs to be done while AEM is not started and the main part which is processed after AEM was started.

we added one new taskto the reconfiguration this is the reset of the files bin/start & bin/start-env. This is unfortunately something we missed in the past, as the reconfiguration should "reset"/"reconfigure" the AEM installation. The reconfiguration allows you to migrate your AEM installation to AEM OpenCloud with the least effort and you can use this to "reset" any environment specific parameters which were set by e.g. AEM OpenCloud so you can create AEM Stacks in different environments.

Hi @henrykuijpers this change is now included in release version 3.0.0. Since this is fixed I'm going to close this ticket.