
OsgiManager password should be configurable as well

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The OsgiManager password (part of Adobe Security Checklist) should be configurable as well.

Currently, we're setting it manually at the end of configuration:

      # Just before configuration is finished, we'll set the OSGi admin password as well
      $crx_quickstart_dir = "${instance_config['aem_base']}/aem/${instance_config['type']}/crx-quickstart"
      file { "${crx_quickstart_dir}/install/org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.config":
        ensure => present,
        content => epp('aemprovisioning/aem/osgiconfig/org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.config', {
          password => $instance_config['osgi_admin_password']
        mode   => '0775',
        owner  => "aem-${instance_config['aem_id']}",
        group  => "aem-${instance_config['aem_id']}",
        before => Exec["${instance_config['aem_id']}: Cleanup password reset package after installation"],

If you are able to set your own OSGI configuration during the AEM configuration, as described here #217, would this solve the issue ?