
C:\Users\Wind\Dropbox\Jupyterlab-workspace\web scraping\imdb-analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This notebook focuses on analyzing IMDb movie data, starting from the data acquisition phase (web scraping) to data visualization and conclusions. Here's a breakdown of the main sections and topics covered:

Web Scraping

In this section, the notebook provides code to scrape IMDb movie data. The following are the steps involved:

  • Import necessary libraries like requests, BeautifulSoup, and pandas.
  • Define a function (scrape_page) to scrape movie details from IMDb pages.
  • Execute the scraping process for the first few IMDb pages and store the details in a list (all_movies).
  • Convert the list of movie details into a pandas DataFrame for further analysis.


The notebook emphasizes data cleaning and manipulation::

  • Extracting the year from the 'Year' column and converting it to an integer.
  • Ensuring the 'Metascore' column is of float type.
  • Removing the "min" suffix from the 'Runtime' column and converting it to an integer.
  • Using techniques like the explode function to handle list columns. This is particularly useful for columns like 'Genres' and 'Stars' that contain lists of values.

Visualization and Analytics

This section delves deep into visualizing various aspects of the movie data:

  • Distribution of movie ratings and metascores over the years: This visualization helps understand how movie ratings and metascores have trended over the years.
  • Most common genres and their correlation with ratings: This visualization showcases the popularity of movie genres and how they relate to their respective ratings.
  • Average rating for each genre: This helps in understanding which genres generally receive higher ratings.
  • Directors with the highest average movie ratings (with a minimum of 3 movies): This highlights the top-performing directors based on average movie ratings.
  • Relationship between movie runtime and its rating: This visualization explores if there's any correlation between the length of a movie and its received rating.
  • Relationship between stars (actors) and movie ratings: This aims to determine if certain actors consistently feature in highly-rated movies.