
Downtime: Can't remove downtime on service with a 'slash' in the service name

Closed this issue · 27 comments


I can't delete downtime on several services, I think that comes from the slash in the name.

Example :

I have a "Generic modal" windows" :


Thank's in advance


I will look at it.

Indeed, I just saw the source code, in shinken-actions.js we split the element name on the /, because it is supposed to be the element of separation between the host name and the service name.

Right now I can't think about a nice fix, because if we admit / are allowed in hosts or services names, the / could be everywhere.

I think you should really avoid having / in service names.

I'm curious @serge-marie, is it the only thing that don't work in the webui? Everything else is OK with the /?

@maethor : a solution would be to use another separator in the HTML built with the templates. Let's say host_name$service_description and then split on $ rather than /


    def get_uri_name(self, elt):
        name = elt.get_name()
        if 'service_description' in elt:
            name = "%s$%s" % (name, elt.get_name())
        return name.replace(' ', '%20')

This function is supposed to be called for each parameter from Python to Javascript ... I hope so :)

I suppose it is used almost everywhere, but not in shinken-actions.js get_elements function.

And what if some users have services with $ in them?

As far as I remember, $ is not allowed in a service description.

See illegal_object_name_chars that defines the non-authorized characters in objects names is as default: ``~!$%^&*"|'<>?,()=`

oh, that's nice. So | may be ok too…

I will see if I can replace it in all the app.

It seems like after some macros and replacements, the command sent by the WebUI to shinken uses ; to separate the host and the service:

4807:[1496236089] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-actions] got command: SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME with args: ['', 'Http', '1496236080', '1496408880', '1', '0', '0', 'admin', 'Downtime scheduled from WebUI by admin'].
4808:[1496236089] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-actions] external command: [1496236089] SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME;;Http;1496236080;1496408880;1;0;0;admin;Downtime scheduled from WebUI by admin.

So I don't understand why ; is the only character not listed in your list @mohierf 😄

Yet I'm not sure to understand how it how it works, because I don't see where that ; is defined. But I will find it.

So ; should be a pretty good character to use, since it's what shinken is using?

Beware @maethor that the ; is the Nagios legacy separator for the external commands. It is not forbidden to use it but it is a Nagios trick 😉 Never use this character in a service_description or forget the external commands ...

See, line 100 where an ExternalCommand is built to be push to the broker that runs the WebUI module ...

OK, I see it no, in the try catch.

So, that's exactly what I'm saying, ; is already forbidden in host_name and service_description, so I can use it as a separator instead of /.

Anyway, if you think $ is the better choice, let's use it 😄

What I find strange is that you succeed to put a downtime, but not to remove it. I will try to reproduce this bug tonight.


So it doesn't seem to come from the /. Everything is working fine on my test : ack, downtime, remove downtime, remove ack.

  • @serge-marie can you precise exactly how to reproduce your problem?
  • Is it the only thing that don't work in the webui?
  • Everything else is OK with the /?
  • What is the exact version of your webui?

You can answer in french if that's easier for you.

@mohierf OK, so now I think I understand the mecanics between shinken-actions.js and It's really ugly, I mean… it's awful… but I don't see any bug in it. / in service names seems to be managed properly.

  • The first / is kept, but the nexts are replaced by $SLASH$ in shinken-actions.js/get_elements function
  • Then in, the / is replaced by ;, and then $SLASH$ are replaced by /.

I could rewrite that, but if it's working…

I have a question. Do you this / should be also possible in host_name? I really don't think shinken core can manage that.

@serge-marie if you have the possibility to upgrade to develop, I think you should try to reproduce the bug on it. If not, please answer my questions, yes :)

Good night ;)

I'm sorry but your image doesn't display. Could you please respond directly on github?


This is my webui version :


This is how I can reproduce the problem :

I have an host :


I use "Select all elements" -> "Execute an action" -> "Schedule a downtime".

I have :


Services are "downtimed" :


I remove the downtime with "Click on hostname" -> "Delete all downtimes"

I have :


And when I refresh the page, downtimes on services are always set :


Only the downtime on the host is removed :


If I remove downtime on each service with the button "7" at the right of the service.

When I do it on a service without a "/" in the name, it's working :


And the downtime disappears.

But on a service with a "/" in the name (the first one only) I have the same window but the downtime is still here after click.

After that, on another service with a "/" I have also : (on the same service too)


After all the click :


All downtimes on those services are still presents ...


I hope that is helpfull for you to understand my problem.


I forgot to precise that we use mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler module.

For data retention of comments and downtimes.

Ok, so you are still on 2.4.2c and you describes 2 differents problems that I I have found and fixed in 2.5:

  1. When we add a downtime on a host, by default the downtime is added on all the services. But when you remove the downtime, it is removed only on the host. This is fixed.
  2. The problem with the / in the service name. This is fixed.

OK thank's

How can I update it easily ?

Because on SHINKEN-IO :



2.5 is not published yet. I still have a major regression to fix and then I will publish it. I can't give you a deadline, could be a week or two.

@serge-marie As promised, I published 2.5.0 today. It should be available tomorrow on Please close this issue if the new version is fixing your problem.