## About CL-ALL This is a simple script to run a Lisp snippet in locally installed lisp implementations. Requires at least SBCL. ## How To You can either build a fixed SBCL binary with ``make``, or symlink ``cl-all.lisp`` to ``cl-all``. Either way, once ``cl-all`` is in your path: :: cl-all '(print :hi)' cl-all sbcl ecl '(print "Oh man!")' cl-all --print '"Oh man"' cl-all --file "something.lisp" echo ":stdin" | cl-all --print :: You can also load this system into your SBCL session and use it from the comfort of the REPL: :: common-lisp (cl-all:eval-in-lisp :ecl "(print call-arguments-limit)") :: ## Example Output :: $ cl-all --print call-arguments-limit --> ABCL: 50 --> Allegro: 16384 --> CCL: 65536 --> CLisp: 4096 --> CMUCL: 536870911 --> ECL: 65536 --> MKCL: 2305843009213693951 --> SBCL: 4611686018427387903 :: ## CLI Reference :: cl-all (implementation | option | snippet)* implementation: The given implementation is run. If no implementations are explicitly specified, all known and available implementations are used. See -l for a list of available implementations. option: --print -p Causes the last form's value to be printed. Will also trim extraneous whitespace from the output. --file -f Uses the given file as input. --eval -e Evaluates the given expression. --disassemble -d Compiles and prints the disassembly of the expressions. --no-rc -n Do not run implementation init files. --lisps -l List all known and available implementations and exit. --help -h Show this usage prompt and exit. -- All further arguments are used as tokens to be evaluated, concatenated by spaces. snippet: A lisp snippet to be evaluated. If no snippet, file, or eval option is given, the standard input is used to read forms from. Forms are read until EOF is encountered :: ## Known Implementations - ABCL - Allegro - CCL - Clasp - Clisp - CMUCL - ECL - GCL - JSCL - MKCL - SBCL