Fallback to not numbering files if amount is large
aweibell opened this issue · 0 comments
aweibell commented
Running gs
with a lot of modified files results in lots and lots of error messages:
Failed to execute process '/usr/bin/bc'. Reason:
The total size of the argument and environment lists 131kB exceeds the operating system limit of 2MB.
Try running the command again with fewer arguments.
set: Variable name 'modified file path
' is not valid. Seehelp identifiers
~/.config/fish/functions/gs.fish (line 169):
set arr[$i] $name
in function “__gs”
called on line 185 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/gs.fishin function “gs”
called on standard input
The original scm_breeze says
There were more than 150 changed files. SCM Breeze has fallen back to standard
git status
for performance reasons.