Tensorflow implementation of AmbientGAN on celebA dataset.
The implicit generative model learns to recover true underlying distribution given only lossy measurement models.
- block_pixel : Each pixel is independently set to zero with probability p.
- block_patch : A randomly chosen k × k patch is set to zero.
- keep_patch : All pixels outside a randomly chosen k × k patch are set to zero.
- conv_noise: k sized gaussian kernel is convolved and noise is added from the distribution Θ ∼ pθ.
- python 2.7
- Tensorflow 1.4
- numpy
- cv2 (to save image tile)
$ python train.py --measurement=block_pixel
To continue training
$ python train.py --measurement=block_pixel --continue_training=True
Trained CelebA images (pixels blocked with p=0.5)
Trained CelebA images (randomly blocked 32x32 patch)
Trained CelebA images (randomly kept 32x32 patch)
Trained CelebA images (gaussian filter + noise(stddev=0.1))
- Train Convolve+Noise