
Red screen / Stuck on Initializing

Closed this issue · 9 comments

So the first thing to note is that I am on a stock O3DS XL, running 11.0. I have access to the Homebrew Launcher through oothax, though it's a major pain to get that working currently, so I'm trying to run supermysterychunkhax.
Whenever I launch the installer, nothing happens and I hang on a red screen, forcing me to reset back to the Homebrew launcher. However, if I remove the SD card and put it back in, then launch the installer, it tells me:
Looks like something went wrong. :("
and on the bottom screen:
"Current status:
Running title is not Pokemon SMD.
Check that the installer XML is on your SD card."
I have a digital copy of SMD, and have tried this with and without a cartridge in the 3DS. I have double checked the SD card, and the installer XML is in the installer folder. No idea what I'm doing wrong.

try making a folder at the root called "mmap" and put one of these in for the region of your game:

you can also update your hbmenu: (or build the source at

Forgot to mention I already tried this fix, I have the folder "mmap" in my root directory with the USA xml file in it.

did you also update your boot.3dsx or use the newer hbmenu somehow? and are you using *hax 2.7?

The boot.3dsx I am using is the one from the latest starter kit, is there a newer version than that I can use? As for *hax 2.7, I'm not sure, how do I verify that? Is it just the entry point to the HB launcher?

use the one linked to above (, and also you can see what version it is when you're starting *hax (e.g. "*hax 2.5 beta", "*hax 2.6 gamma"). you'll want to update your entry point's payload if it's not 2.7.

Thanks, I'll get back to you once I manage to get oothax to work again.
EDIT: Just remebered, the oothax read 2.6 gamma I believe, but there is no 2.7 payload as far as I am aware? I've used the 10.7 payload, and it hasn't been updated to 11.0 yet, could that be the issue?

Just confirmed that the issue is indeed with the oothax savegame I have, right now I can only boot into *hax 2.6 gamma, so I have to wait for oothax to be updated. Closing this issue.

use the oot3dhax installer to update the payload to 2.7.

Yeah yellows8 just told me that too, so hopefully I can get it to run sometime tonight. Wish me luck with hardmodding this summer.