
any support server for this project??

Closed this issue · 8 comments

this err has been happening when i was using the 1.6.4 version but when i jumped tp 1.5.2 it works perfectly

Deivu commented

What Lavalink build are you on, Readme states 1.6.x is for dev Lavalink

Uhh the normal lavalink that everyone uses

Deivu commented

Then you are limited to 1.5.x versions of Shoukaku if you aren't on Dev-Branch, Luckily its easy to move to Dev-branch, or just stay with 1.5.x if you intend to keep the normal lavalink aka the master branch lavalink

coolsie btw is there any support discord server so that I can be pinged when 1.6 is compatible with normal lavalink??

Deivu commented

It's on other links on readme, you should see support hyperlinked there

I have a question, maybe stupid but can't you put your development version on a new branch first?

Instead of breaking your main project with development code!

sorry my english is aproximative ^^'

Deivu commented

The master branch isn't necessarily broken, it just adheres to Lavalink's-Next version which removes Num-Shards, thats why if you aren't on Dev Lavalink Branch, aka you are on normal Lavalink, you should not install 1.6.x which I clarified on readme.