
Typings issue

kakarot-dev opened this issue · 8 comments
this line depends on discord.js which is not really compatible with eris ( if im correct )
shouldnt this just be changed to

Deivu commented

Eris do have it on string

but doesnt that require discord.js specefically to be installed?

instead of snowflake, couldnt we just write string instead?

Deivu commented

I do want it as string as well, though I'm not sure how TS on discord.js will react to it

k, ill try it and if it works ill just open a pr later
btw we can just do

`${bigint}` | string

that means it can be a bigint or a string, well both are strings anyway xd

i'll keep this open incase if anyone else has a better idea

Deivu commented

Fixed in #63