
user/image rating not checked when navigating to previous/next image

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Server Software
(You can get all these stats from http://<your site>/system_info)

  • Shimmie version: 2.10.0-alpha
  • Database: pgsql PostgreSQL 15.5
  • Web server: PHP 8.2.7 Development Server

Client Software (please complete the following information)

  • Device: windows/linux desktop
  • Browser: Firefox, MS Edge

What steps trigger this bug

  1. enable and configure the Ratings extension
  2. have two images with different ratings
  3. login with a user with permissions to see both ratings
  4. configure Account > User Options > Default Rating Filter so that one of the two ratings is enabled and the other is disabled
  5. go to /post/list which will only show images with the enabled rating
  6. click on any image to get to /view
  7. use the Prev/Next links to get to the previous or next image

What did you expect to happen?
If the previous or next image has a rating matching the user's default rating filter, display the image. If the previous or next image has a rating outside the user's default rating filter, or if it's unrated, do not display the image or display the next-best image which matches the user's default rating filter.

What actually happened?
The previous/next image is shown regardless of the user's default rating filter and the image's rating.


I was able to at least hide the image in case ratings don't match by adding a new function to /ext/rating/main.php which checks the user's default ratings:

    public function check_user_ratings(Image $image): bool {
        $user_ratings = Ratings::get_user_default_ratings();
        if (!in_array($image->rating, $user_ratings)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event)
        global $page;
         * Deny images upon insufficient permissions.
        if (!$this->check_permissions($event->image)) {

        # added this:
        if(!$this->check_user_ratings($event->image)) {
            error_log("don't want to see this!");

This way, if the previous or next image does not match the user's default rating filter, the user is sent back to the index page /post/list. Not pretty but at least it hides unwanted images.
A more ideal solution, if possible, would be to either dynamically find the "next wanted" image which matches the user's filter and point the previous/next links to that, or to sort of auto-navigate to the next-best image once the Prev/Next link is clicked.

shish commented

Aha - when searching with no tags, the next/prev buttons do a simple "next ID number / prev ID number" search, which ignores the fact that the Ratings extension adds extra filtering even when there are no tags. I'll write a test to check that I can repro this, and then make it so that the next/prev buttons always use the full search with no shortcuts

awesome, thank you