I unable to install php on Mac os monterey
Venugopal155 opened this issue · 4 comments
Venugopal155 commented
shivammathur commented
Please provide the output of brew tap homebrew/core
, because httpd
is a core formula.
If there is no output, please check the core git repo and let me know the output.
cd "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"
git status && git show --summary
cheesepipe commented
This solved the same problem for me:
rm -rf $(brew --repo homebrew/core)
brew tap homebrew/core
finally follow this up with:
brew install php
shivammathur commented
As the error says, the remote of your homebrew/core tap is wrong.
You can follow @cheesepipe's comment above to fix this.
shivammathur commented
This error is related to the core repository and not this tap. Therefore, I'm closing the issue.