
Get all the related domains and subdomains using crt.sh.

Primary LanguageGo

crt.sh Domain Finder

Get all the related domains and subdomains using crt.sh.


If you have Go installed and configured (i.e. with $GOPATH/bin in your $PATH):

▶ go get -u github.com/shivamsaraswat/crt_sh_go

Using the crt.sh Domain Finder

To run the crt.sh Domain Finder on a domain, use the '-d' flag and provide the domain as an argument:

▶ ./crt_sh_go -d example.com

For an overview of all commands use the following command:

Usage of ./crt_sh_go:
  -d string
        Domain to search for domains
  -o string
        Output file to write domains to