
Practice for deep-learning concepts and models; recommendation engine

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The purpose of this repository is to practice deep-learning and reinforcement learning.

1. Concepts and Fundamentals

  • Key concepts in NN
    • Activation Functions
    • Weight Initialization
    • Batch Normalization
    • Gradient Descent and Parameter Update
  • CNN
    • Basics/CNN layers
    • Different CNN network architectures
  • RNN
    • Why RNN doesn't work - Gradient Vanishing
    • LSTM
    • GRU
  • Implementation Caveats
  • Collaborative Filtering
    • User and Item based
    • Matrix Factorization
    • Deep Learning, and DL-version of SVD
  • Ranking Algorithms
    • Evaluation metrics (MAP, NDCG, ...)
    • Modelling Approach (Point-wise, Pair-wise)
  • CTR Prediction Model
    • Logistic Regression
    • Factorization Machine
    • Field Factorization Machine
    • GBDT + LR
    • Wide and Deep
    • Deep FM (Implementation here )
    • Neural Factorization Machines
    • Deep Interest Network
    • Entire Space Multitask Model
    • Reinforced Learning
  • Feature Engineering
  • Cold Start

2. Basic Model Applications

  • Build neural network from scratch using numpy without using Tensorflow or Keras.
  • The notebook includes the forward and backward propagation of different layers written in numpy.
    • Basic Activation Functions
    • Fully-connected Layer
    • Different Update/Optimization Methods
    • Batch Normalization Layer
    • Drop-out Layer
    • Convolutional layer
    • Recurrent Layer
  • This notebook includes different applications built from components in Part I (DNN, CNN)
  • Dataset
    • Synthetic data
    • MNIST (2d, 3d)
    • IRIS
  • Gradient check

This notebook includes some practice examples to apply tensorflow to build DL models.

  • Example 1:

    • Methodology: CNN
    • Tool: Tensorflow Estimator API
    • Dataset: MNIST
  • Example 2:

    • Methodology: RNN (LSTM)
    • Tool: Tensorflow Estimator API
    • Dataset: Synthetic
  • Example 3:

    • Methodology: RNN (LSTM)
    • Tool: Tensorflow Lower-level API
    • Dataset: Synthetic
  • Concept Notes on GAN network
  • Practice with an example based on MNIST dataset to generate fake digits.

3. Popular Packages

Practice with Tensorflow package for deep learning models:

  • Eager Execution
  • Estimator API
    • Built-in classifier
    • Customized classifier
  • Dataset API
  • Keras with TF backend
    • Sequential model
    • Model class with functional API (LSTM example)

This notebook works through extensive examples of using opencv for image processing

  • Basics
    • Thresholds
    • Transformations
    • Filtering
    • Detection
    • Hough Line Transformation
  • Example: Traffic Lane Detection

This notebook applies the openface package (http://cmusatyalab.github.io/openface/) on a image similarity calculation problem, and gives some interesting results.

A comparison of computational performance between CPU and GPU

  • Implemented a simple CNN model applied on MNIST dataset
  • Compare computional performance by running the notebook on a GPU instance on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)