
Upgrade to Angular 12

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Upgrade workspace (NX) to latest
  • Upgrade angular and angular CDK to version 12
  • Upgrade documentation project to work with angular 12
  • Upgrade Library to work with Angular 12, fix breaking changes in CDK
  • Refactor SCSS code to work with the new @use & @forward syntax.
    This is a huge refactor that is required because @import is deprecated and CDK has already refactored
  • Update build process to output Angular 12 package format
    This should, in most part, be free, by upgrading to the new packager
    • Build libraries in full-ivy mode
    • Decide action on new enforcement to expose exported components publicly (public API).
      This will add types to the public api.
  • Support building library in partial-ivy mode
    Complex undertaking, this is the recommended mode however it will not build if there are cyclic dependencies after templates are compiled to TS code (which is insane), read more here
  • Refactor SASS theming directories and file structure. Review exposed modules.
  • Test externally in a ngrid-starters
  • Bump to v4
  • Check for deprecated symboles to be removed in v4
  • Release - 4.0.0-alpha.2
  • Push docs to GH Pages

Blocked by ng-packagr/ng-packagr#1982

Implemented temporary workaround, requires tracking to remove the workaround.