
Bad CPU type in executable

kgrhartlage opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm setting up a new MBP 14'' M1 Pro with macOS 12.0.1 and ran into some problems getting this to work.

[08:49:56.928] NightShift[Keyword] Processing complete
[08:49:56.930] NightShift[Keyword] Passing output '' to Run Script
[08:49:57.011] ERROR: NightShift[Run Script] xattr: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './nightlight'
/bin/bash: line 5: ./nightlight: Bad CPU type in executable
/bin/bash: line 7: ./nightlight: Bad CPU type in executable
[08:49:57.017] NightShift[Run Script] Processing complete
[08:49:57.018] NightShift[Run Script] Passing output '' to Run Script

I manually changed the permissions and then had to install Rosetta 2 to solve the remaining CPU type error. IIUC some apps prompt for that, which did not happen here. This is more of a heads-up, it might be worth to include a note in the README for the less tech-savvy users.

Thank you for maintaining this, I use it every single day!

So what you suggest basically boils down to adding a note in the README about maybe changing some permissions if it doesn't work out of the box? And if running on Apple Silicon, also having to install Rosseta 2 if it hasn't been done by the user beforehand? I can do that.


Thank you for maintaining this, I use it every single day!

That's great to hear, nice that you find it useful!