`blMod_2_`, `blMod_1`, `BlFunc` and `blSub`
Closed this issue · 2 comments
shnarazk commented
Unresolved conflict for symbol sequence:
'(' atom • '(' …
Possible interpretations:
1: '(' (subExpr atom • Derv '↩' subExpr)
2: '(' (subExpr atom • Derv '↩')
3: '(' (subject atom) • '(' …
Possible resolutions:
1: Specify a higher precedence in `subExpr` than in the other rules.
2: Specify a higher precedence in `subject` than in the other rules.
3: Specify a left or right associativity in `subject`
4: Add a conflict for these rules: `subject`, `subExpr`
- development of the 1st:
- nothing
- subject, Derv, '*'
- atom, Derv, '*'
- '(', subExpr, ')', Derv, '*'
- '(',atom, ASGN, subExpr, ')', Derv, '*'
- development of the 3rd:
- nothing
- subject, Derv, '*'
- atom, Derv, '*'
- '(', subExpr, ')', Derv, '*'
- '(', arg, ')', Derv, '*'
- '(', subject, ')', Derv, '*'
- '(', atom, ')', Derv, '*'
shnarazk commented
So set right associativity to 'subject`. Then
Unresolved conflict for symbol sequence:
'⟨' IMM_BLK • '⋄' …
Possible interpretations:
1: '⟨' (blMod_1 IMM_BLK) • '⋄' …
2: '⟨' (blMod_2_ IMM_BLK) • '⋄' …
Possible resolutions:
1: Specify a higher precedence in `blMod_1` than in the other rules.
2: Specify a higher precedence in `blMod_2_` than in the other rules.
3: Add a conflict for these rules: `blMod_1`, `blMod_2_`
So finally I understood the 'three':
Three additional rules apply to blocks, allowing the ambiguous grammar above to be disambiguated.
shnarazk commented
Then I got
Unresolved conflict for symbol sequence:
'{' '·' • '⋄' …
Possible interpretations:
1: '{' (LHS_SUB '·') • '⋄' …
2: '{' (nothing '·') • '⋄' … (precedence: 0, associativity: Left)
Possible resolutions:
1: Specify a higher precedence in `nothing` than in the other rules.
2: Specify a higher precedence in `LHS_SUB` than in the other rules.
3: Add a conflict for these rules: `nothing`, `LHS_SUB`
seeking the culprit:
Unresolved conflict for symbol sequence:
'(' Derv '·' • '$.FuncDerv' …
Possible interpretations:
1: '(' (nothing Derv '·') • '$.FuncDerv' … (precedence: 0, associativity: Left)
2: '(' Derv (nothing '·') • '$.FuncDerv' … (precedence: 0, associativity: Left)
Unresolved conflict for symbol sequence:
Operand '{' '·' • '⋄' …
Possible interpretations:
1: Operand '{' (LHS_SUB '·') • '⋄' …
2: Operand '{' (nothing '·') • '⋄' … (precedence: 0, associativity: Left)
Possible resolutions:
1: Specify a higher precedence in `nothing` than in the other rules.
2: Specify a higher precedence in `LHS_SUB` than in the other rules.
3: Add a conflict for these rules: `nothing`, `LHS_SUB`
- blFunc > ARG_BLK > A_CASE > Func > body > stmt > nothing
- blFunc > ARG_BLK > A_CASE > ARG_HEAD > lhsComp > LHS_SUB > "·"