Prometheus Beta 0.1 After all these years in the darkness of campusnet, Prometheus is here to give humanity the fire of downloading. Ok maybe it's not that great, and hopefully I will not be equally punished for it. Prometheus will however try to bring a new way of downloading to campusnet. The ultimate goal is to create a new download experience in cooperation with campussearch. This CLI client is only a small bit of what prometheus will become. A GUI client will also come plus a daemon that aims to automate downloading as much as possible, together with cool features on the campussearch website. I choose to create the CLI client first because that was my biggest problem with campusnet at the moment. You can download things simply with v-direct, but if you don't have access to a windowmanager (downloading over ssh for instance), downloading from campusnet can be pretty painful. Since this is a beta version i would like to ask everyone to use it and give me feedback about it. If you have a great idea how to download a file, browse a share or you did something weird (or not) and the whole thing broke down just send me a message. While it is platform independent software it has not been tested on many systems, so it is possible that it doesn't work on your system. ===Installation You _must_ have JDK 1.5 or higher installed. Then it's pretty easy, just unzip the file somewhere and edit the configfile. In the configfile the only thing you have to set right now is "downloadDirectory" for instance: downloadDirectory=/home/test/Downloads or downloadDirectory=c:\downloads\ ===Bugs && feedback Please add your bugreports and feedback on the github or send me an email to P.S If you are good at coding GUIs and you want to help please contact me. ===License GPLv3 (check the COPYING file) The source repository is at ===Developers Shokora ===Special Thanks ddofborg for supporting the project and making a XML interface :)
A CLI and GUI client for a flexible downloading files on big SAMBA shared networks.