Chapter 4.1 - spelling of "colinearities"
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Possible spelling issue: "colinearities"
Beyond first order moments, second order quantities (variances and covariances/correlations) also matter because they help spot colinearities. When two features are highly correlated, problems may arise in some models (e.g., simple regressions, see Section 15.1).
The original bookdown
codebase isn't available on GitHub, thus unable to submit pull requests.
Actually, I see the use with a single "l" is also generally accepted. Closing the issue.
Yes, the original .Rmd code is not public. If you want to correct online (in html), you can do it directly.
I will accept the change, then correct in Rmd so that when I re-generate the website, the new version is ok.
I do this once a month, roughly...