
Old revisions not being removed

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0dp commented

Hi @shonny-ua,

I can't seem to get this plugin to work as intended. Old revisions are not being removed.
Here are my two tasks. One to create revisions and one to clean them up.

function cleaner() {
    return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb){
        rimraf( path.resolve( (file.cwd || process.cwd()), file.path), function (err) {
            if (err) {
                this.emit('error', new gutil.PluginError('Cleanup old files', err));

gulp.task( 'rev', function() {
  // by default, gulp would pick `assets/css` as the base,
  // so we need to set it explicitly:
  gulp.src([paths.css + '/child-theme.min.css', paths.js + '/child-theme.min.js'], {base: './'})
    .pipe(gulp.dest('./'))  // write rev'd assets to build dir
        merge: true // merge with the existing manifest if one exists
    .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));  // write manifest to build dir

gulp.task( 'rev-clean', function() {
  gulp.src([paths.css + '/*.css'], {read: false})
    .pipe( revOutdated(2) ) // leave 2 recent assets (default value)
    .pipe( cleaner() );
