" npm run dev " not working in windows system
bharathmit opened this issue · 2 comments
Windows terminal and Unix (Mac/linux) doesnt have the same commands. What you can try is to install Windows Subsystem for Linux (wsl2 is the most new version) or cygwin for kind of enabling unix commands in windows. Check definitions by yourself. I was trying different project with cygwin but there were others problems regarding OS so I used virtual machine. Or you can try Visual Studio Code. My coworkers are using it and are saying it has shell terminal but wasn
t working for me also.
Now able to run in windows,
chmod +x ./env.sh && ./env.sh && cp env-config.js ./public/ && react-scripts start
step 1: run the env.sh file from cmd or powershell - It will generate env-config.js root directory
step 2: move the env-config.js into public folder
step 3: run --> react-scripts start ----> it will run the reactjs app