
Installation leads to `Command "bin" is not defined`

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When running the psh.phar install command within the Docker container, I bumped into the following error:
[Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException] Command "bin" is not defined. Script @composer bin all install --ansi handling

I fixed this by running the command composer global require bamarni/composer-bin-plugin within the Docker container. It almost seems as if composer itself was updated recently in the Docker image and that this lead to the removal of the bamarni/composer-bin-plugin plugin.

Any ideas?

shyim commented

On Fresh Setup?

@shyim Yes, indeed a fresh setup. Downloaded a new image. I'll try again later this afternoon again, to see if I can see what happened to the original plugin ...

I tried it again, but this time I double-checked to make sure the Docker image was removed with docker rmi xyz. This resolved things. False alarm. Sorry for bothering you.