
./psh.phar shows "no scripts"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

ic-hv commented

If using fresh git clones of HEAD versions of development and platform repository, running ./psh.phar outputs:

Available commands:

-> Currently no scripts available

0 script(s) available

The only solution is to checkout the previous psh.phar from commit 25a3911

ic-hv commented

Im using PHP v7.4.18, maybe this is the issue, but IMHO psh.phar should be compatible even with this version

I'm also using this PHP version and have no problems 😊

ic-hv commented

Well ok, the problem seems only to occur when using, ic-hv@27f48d9

I will have to investigate myself. Sorry, for bothering.

ic-hv commented

Well, the solution of my problem was to rename .psh.yaml.override-example to .psh.yaml.override.dist ...