
psr.phar install failed after database creation when you change the config .psh.yaml.dist

BlackScorp opened this issue · 0 comments

PHP Version


Shopware Version

Expected behaviour

when you call php psr.phar install CREATE DATABASE should be executed

Actual behaviour

when you call php psr.phar install CREATE DABASE fail because database is unknown

How to reproduce

  1. Clone shopware/development

  2. call "ddev config"

  3. call "ddev start"

  4. change your database entries in .psh.yaml.dist
    DB_USER: "root"
    DB_PASSWORD: "root"
    DB_HOST: "db"
    DB_PORT: "3306"
    DB_NAME: "db"
    APP_URL: ""

  5. call php psr.phar install on your container

What i assume here. config creates

then DROP DATABASE is called and after this the DATABASE_URL is not valid anymore for the CREATE DATABASE part you need to ignore the databasename in the connection. otherwise PDO crashes.

i assume you added there some hard links for default values