
Inaccurate directory diagram for extended administration modules

hqcasanova opened this issue · 1 comments

In the section Creating your new component of the "Add tab to existing module" chapter, the following diagram is missing the second-level src folder under the administration root one:

├── page
│   └── sw-product-detail
│       └── sw-product-detail
│           ├── index.js
│           └── sw-product-detail.html.twig
├── view
│   └── sw-product-detail-custom
└── main.js

This is in contrast with what's stated elsewhere in the same chapter. For example, within the reminder box towards the end of the "Prerequisites" section:

The main entry point to customize the administration via plugin is the main.js file. It has to be placed into a /src/Resources/app/administration/src directory in order to be found by Shopware 6.

@hqcasanova , sorry for the delayed response and thanks for raising this issue. It's now been updated :)