
KafkaSinkCluster: authorize_scram_over_mtls is robust

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#1605 introduced basic functionality for authorize_scram_over_mtls.
However its not as efficient or as robust as we would like.

  • We recreate a delegation token for every new incoming connection.
  • We rely on a hardcoded 4 second wait to ensure the delegation token has propagated across the cluster.

To solve both of these I propose a background task to manage tokens similar to the topology task shared between all CassandraSinkCluster instances:

KafkaSinkClusterConfig::get_builder spins up a background task that receives requests for new tokens and then sends the tokens back across a oneshot.
The task will be responsible for requesting tokens over mTLS, waiting until the token is usable, and then finally sending the token details along the oneshot.
From the perspective of the transform the API would look like:

struct KafkaSinkCluster {
  token_request_tx: mpsc::Sender<TokenRequest>

struct TokenRequest {
   username: String,
   response: oneshot::Receiver<DelegationToken>,

pub struct DelegationToken {
    pub token_id: String,
    pub hmac: Vec<u8>,

Remaining work on the task:

  • #1605
  • #1626
  • #1627
  • #1640
  • handle multiple token requests concurrently
  • recreate connection when sending to a closed connection
  • Recreate tokens before they expire
  • #1651

Broker discovery

Not sure if we want the task to do its own discovery, or to just reuse the existing nodes_shared field the transforms use.
I think that solving #1588 first will remove some unknowns.

Reusing the nodes_shared field is no good since we need SCRAM task to be running before nodes_shared can be populated.
This leaves a few options:

  • scram task performs its own discovery
  • scram task performs discovery for itself and the transform