About Classifier.resnet
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dongxijia commented
Thanks a lot for your code.
I noticed that the Classifer use Resnet-50 and P use Resnet18 in your code.
Are they both included at resnet.py class(ResNet) in your code?
And I find
using [26] to image size 128 × 128. C employs ResNet-50 [13] by changing the active function from “BN+ReLU” to “SELU” [18]. P employs ResNet-18, on top of which we add three more fully-connected layers following [24].
I got 2 problems:
1、Class ResNet has already fc_1, fc_2, fc_3, should I need to add 3 more fc layers for ResNet-18?
2、Class ResNet has mplemented with SELU rather than BN+ReLU, is ResNet-18 using SELU either?
Thanks in advanced.