
As per the resp, the `name` seems acutally `city`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Rename 'NAme' to 'City'?

type Server struct {
	URL      string        `xml:"url,attr" json:"url"`
	Lat      string        `xml:"lat,attr" json:"lat"`
	Lon      string        `xml:"lon,attr" json:"lon"`
	Name     string        `xml:"name,attr" json:"name"`
	Country  string        `xml:"country,attr" json:"country"`
	Sponsor  string        `xml:"sponsor,attr" json:"sponsor"`
	ID       string        `xml:"id,attr" json:"id"`
	URL2     string        `xml:"url2,attr" json:"url_2"`
	Host     string        `xml:"host,attr" json:"host"`
	Distance float64       `json:"distance"`
	Latency  time.Duration `json:"latency"`
	DLSpeed  float64       `json:"dl_speed"`
	ULSpeed  float64       `json:"ul_speed"`

The content of Name seems to be city name as you said, though I respect the XML response key and use as is 👍