
TED. Talking Skill & How To Success

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Talking skill

  1. Dont multitask. be present. be that moment
  2. Dont pontificate. 不要好为人师
  3. Use open-ended questions. (q: what was that like? or how did that feeling? )
  4. Go with the flow.
  5. If u dont know, say that u dont know.
  6. Dont equate ur experience with theirs.
  7. stay out of the weed.
  8. listen

  9. Be brief.

How to success

  1. passion
  2. hard work (have fun)
  3. practice
  4. focus
  5. push urself
  6. serve
  7. idea
  8. persist

Be interested in other people.

A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.