
[pY] Incorrect numbers for the Boiling Steam recipe

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I was told that the boilers were rewritten in pY:

it was changed to crafting, rather than a boiler type of constant fluid (c) qazzz789

That led to incorrect numbers for at least the case of boiling 200C water into a 250C steam in an Electric Boiler. Yafc overestimates how efficient the boilers are by at least a multiple of 2.

As per PyAL changelog:

Version: 1.2.27
Date: 2024-4-30
    - Buffed electric boilers from 0 module slots to 3. Allowed electric boilers to be effected by AM:FM beacons.
    - Electric boilers now have a glow layer in the dark.
    - Note: the above two changes are only effective if you break and rebuild the boiler.
Dorus commented

I'de like to add that i'm also not seeing any possibility to add modules to the electric boiler. The old recipe is still in the modpack to not break existing bases, but should be hidden. Some users on discord say they see both the old and the new recipe, myself i only see the old one. edit: I found the new recipe, it was there all along. It also does show the correct steam production numbers (4x slower than the old one).

The new recipe is disabled however. That's something we might want to look into.

Possibly the bug here is just that we selected the wrong recipe? Anyway i know YaFC used to calculate the old boilers wrong, and some exceptions where added to YaFC-CE to make then work correctly with the different steam temperatures. So could also be that exception needs to be stripped away (or more properly detect that the recipe has been updated)