
This repository has a basic ecommerance application with Login and OAuth Integeration

Primary LanguageHTML


An example application with basic ecommerce UI. The project runs on flask and is deployed as a docker container in IBM Cloud Foundry. It uses github actions to deploy the code to CF and is backed by IBM DB2.

Github Action Build Status

Docker Image

REST API written in Python Flask & DB2


> python -m pip install -U pip
> pip3 install pipenv


# Clone the repository
# Change into the directory
> cd flask-start
# Install all required dependencies with
> pipenv install --deploy --skip-lock
# [Optional Step] If you get a warining stating the virtual environment path dosent exist
> pipenv install --skip-lock
# Activate the project virtual environment
> pipenv shell

You can also set the enviroment variables explicity (OPTIONAL)

> cd flask-start
> set FLASK_APP=app.py
> set FLASK_ENV=development
> set SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI="ibm_db_sa://username:password@hostname:port/databasename"
> set GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="OAuth Client Id"
> set GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="OAuth Client Secret"
> set FACEBOOK_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "OAuth Client Id"
> set FACEBOOK_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "OAuth Client Secret"
> set GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "OAuth Client Id"
> set GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "OAuth Client Secret"
> set PORT=5000

vscode setup

  • Install python from vscode extensions market place (ctrl+shift+x) ms-python.python
  • Open the command palette in visual studio (ctrl+shift+P) type >Python: Select Interpreter
  • Choose the python interpreter of virtual env ('flask-start': pipenv)
  • Once that is done check the .vscode folder settings.json if the python.pythonPath points to your virtual env.
  • To debug the applictaion open Run (ctrl+shift+D) and click on the play button besided Run with Python: Flask selected in the drop down.

Running the application

Start the app in virtual env shell

> flask run


Project Structure

Project Structure Example

  • app.py contains the code call to initiazlie the app via create_app() definition under app/__init__.py
  • All the flask app configs are under config.py
  • All the blueprints are under controllers
  • Model __init__.py contains the database initialization and SQLAlchemy.

Blue-Prints Specifications

Basic Route

  • GET: /homepage - app/basic_routes.py
  • GET & POST: /login - app/basic_routes.py
  • GET & POST: /signup - app/basic_routes.py

Mobile Controller

  • GET: /mobile/{id}
  • GET: /mobile/buynow/{id}
  • GET: /mobile/addtocart/{id}

Cart Controller

Database Initialization

Using flask click, cli commands all tables DDL are created.

> cd flask-start
# To create all tables in the database
> flask init_db
# To drop all tables in the database
> flask drop_db
# To load basic data in the Items Table for homepage.
> flask load_data

Running the application as a Docker container

> cd flask-start
# Build the docker image
> docker build -t shra012/flask-start:latest .
# Run the docker container
> docker run --name flask-start -e FLASK_ENV=development -e FLASK_APP=app.py \
-e SECRET_KEY=SAMPLE_SECRET_KEY -e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=ibm_db_sa://username:password@hostname:port/databasename \
-p 5000:5000 shra012/flask-start:latest
# Check the logs
> docker logs -f flask-start
# Cleaup the container
> docker stop flask-start && docker rm flask-start


Shravankumar Nagarajan