
Prerequisite for Java Class

Installation Instructions for Java

We will be using Java 8 for the class due to its support with netbeans 8.2. It won't be any difference. Sorry for the mention of latest version in the previous post.

    1. For Linux Follow the steps provided in this StackOverFlow answer
    2. For Windows Download the appropriate installer from this link. And then install the exe as you always do. xP
  1. Set the environment variable
    1. For Linux
      1. Get installation path by running sudo update-alternatives --config java. You'll get path of Java there
      2. Open Environment file by sudo gedit /etc/environment
      3. Add Java installation path you got from 1 in the end of the file JAVA_HOME="<Path here>"
      4. For reloading the variablessource /etc/environment
    2. For Windows Can refer to this article

Installation Instructions for Netbeans IDE

Please install Netbeans 8.2 as it that will be a lot easier. And install JDK before installing netbeans, else an error will be thrown.

  1. Download the appropriate installer according to your OS from the link.
  2. Use the following command to install the downloaded package
    1. For Linux
      1. Open terminal in the location where installer script is downloaded
      2. Give execute permission by chmod +x <>
      3. Run the script by ./<>
    2. For Windows Install the exe as you always do!!! xP


In case of any query, feel free to contact any coordinator. 😄