
The Meal Api using javascript with the help of meal api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##The Meal API Live Link :- https://shrijit01.github.io/TheMealAPI-JS/


  • Home Page

    • Search any meal from the API and display the search results on the frontend (as I type the search results should update, just like Google does for suggestions)

    • Each search result of the meal should have a favourite button, clicking on which the meal should be added to “My favourite meals” (a list).

    • On clicking any particular search result (any meal), open a new page with more information about that meal(meal page)

  • Meal detail Page

    • Should show information about the meal like its name, photo, instructions, etc (these are must, rest you can add if you want).
  • My favourite meals Page

    • Display a list of all the favourite meals.

    • Make this list persistent (should have the same number of meals before and after closing the browser/refreshing the browser).

    • Remove from favourites button: Each meal should have remove from favourites button, clicking on which should remove that meal from the list.

Functionality - search the meal from api like google suggestions - each result have there own fav button - on click any search result it took me to a meal page

meal page 
    - show the details about meals

fav meals page
    - display list of fav meals
    - makeing list persistent (use local storage)
    - each meal have there own remove from fav button