
Broken web page

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I tried to "install" it following the instructions,

To "install", simply extract the archive into a directory exposed via an HTTP service (there's no need for any server-side scripting or database), and browse to that location.

but the index web page appears broken in my browser.


Any suggestion?


I'm sorry for the late response.

By the looks of things, it's failing to load the scripts remotely hosted on I'm not sure if that was a temporary failure on their/CloudFlare side, or if something more fundamental has gone wrong.

Are you accessing Aurial via HTTP, or a file:// location?

Are you using any browser addons like uMatrix which prevents cross-domain script loading? As a test, does appear to load correctly for you?

Hi, I'm trying to access it via file:// (by double-clicking on index.html)
I'm using uBlock Origin, but I tried to deactivate the extension. Unfortunatetly, same result.

OK, it does typically need to be hosted behind an actual HTTP service, such as nginx or httpd.

Alternatively, you could try to simply edit index,html and prefix the cdnjs URLs with http://.

Unfortunately even then, it's possible you're going to run into browser security issues, preventing a file://-hosted page/script from accessing remote resources.

Thank for your answer! Do you know if it works with Ampache too?

Unlikely, unless Ampache is able to expose a Subsonic API.

Aurial was designed to work with Subsonic only.

Edit: I see that Ampache does have a Subsonic-compatible API, although it remains completely untested with Aurial, so your mileage may vary...