
Run demo , file missing: "'cachedir/template_shape/bird_template.npy"

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Dear author,

I want to run your demo. However, it seems that "'cachedir/template_shape/bird_template.npy" is missing.
I have download annotations and template meshes with:
wget && tar -vzxf cachedir.tar.gz
But there is no file "cachedir/template_shape/bird_template.npy"

Looking forward for your replay

Hello,I have an error here when running the NMR file, displaying "module 'soft_renderer' has no attribute 'SoftRenderer'",I checked that there is no in the "soft_render" library,How to solve the problem?
Uploading c 0b56b243d821e91ca38e85b54a0204c 2a6c8b21dee1105138a7e3511cd912.png…

Hi @qingqianshuying. I downloaded and untarred cachedir to recheck. Here is the output from the untarring process (tar -vzxf cachedir.tar.gz):

$ tar -vzxf cachedir.tar.gz
x cachedir/cub/
x cachedir/cub/data/
x cachedir/cub/data/val_cub_cleaned.mat
x cachedir/cub/data/test_cub_cleaned.mat
x cachedir/cub/data/testval_cub_cleaned.mat
x cachedir/cub/data/train_cub_cleaned.mat
x cachedir/cub/sfm/
x cachedir/cub/sfm/anno_train.mat
x cachedir/cub/sfm/anno_testval.mat
x cachedir/cub/sfm/anno_test.mat
x cachedir/cub/sfm/anno_val.mat
x cachedir/template_shape/
x cachedir/template_shape/bird_template.npy

It shows file cachedir/template_shape/bird_template.npy was successfully extracted. Can you please re-check if you're looking for bird_template.npy in the correct place?


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