Catchy headline

Project description

How to build the project

Run make to compile the libraries and executables that are meant to be installed.

$ make

How to run tests

$ make test

How to use local libraries interactively

Use dune utop DIR where DIR if the folder contains the dune file for a library. For instance, our sub2 sample library can be used as follows:

$ dune utop sub2/lib
utop # Proj_sub2.A.do_something ();;
1525373137.245 seconds have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.
- : unit = ()


The project can be installed with or without opam. Without opam, you can run the following which relies directly on dune:

$ make install


$ make uninstall

With opam, you can install the current development version of your project as a single opam package. It will override the currently installed package of the same name, if any:

$ opam pin add -k path proj .

For more information on opam pin, please consult the opam documentation

The advantage of the opam-based method is that other opam packages can depend on this one, and opam will recompile them automatically as necessary.