
All types of queries in MongoDB - Basic to Advanced


All types of queries in MongoDB - Basic to Advanced

find() and aggregate() are the functions mainly used for querying in mongodb and you can query each and every complex statement with any of them.

Here I have tried out various types of queries and played with the above mentioned functions in order to generate queries. Along with every query, I have added the explanation for the syntax.

Dataset used

Downloading the dataset

Netflix_titles.csv from Kaggle.
The dataset is available here

Importing the datset in MongoDB

Before opening the mongo shell, mongoimport command is used to import a file in the database.
Syntax: mongoimport --type csv -d mydb -c netflix --headerline --drop netflix_titles.csv

type is the type of file,
d is the database in which the file has to be imported
c is the collection in which the file has to be imported
headerline denotes that first line of the file has headers
drop is used to drop all the data already present in the collection