
Running the test has no effect

z411500976 opened this issue · 6 comments

The image in the test file has not changed since the conversion. I don't know why.

Hi @z411500976 can you specify what do you mean exactly?
What operations do you execute and what you expect to happen but it doesn't.

I am very glad that you can reply in time. I want to change the DPI of the picture. After running npm run test, the picture DPI in test has not changed.The DPI of ‘jpeg456-1.jpg’ has not become 300.

how are you inspecting the file?

Hi ,With photoshop view, is the display in PS incorrect?I need Image for print 300 dpi, for photo album

In fact, the picture is 300 DPI, but the picture exif has not changed?

Now I find that using your project image has no effect. I can work with my image. Why?