Snake Game in C with SQL Integration


This project is a beginner-friendly implementation of the classic Snake Game using C for the game logic and Character User Interface (CUI) for rendering. It integrates SQL to save high scores, allowing players to compete for the best performances.

Why This Project?

  • Learn basic game logic with C.
  • Gain hands-on experience in database integration using SQL.
  • Understand how to create interactive console applications.


🎮 Game Features:

  • Classic Snake Game in the console.
  • Snake Movement: Use W, A, S, D or arrow keys.
  • Randomly generated food and real-time score tracking.
  • Game ends on collision with walls or the snake itself.

🏆 SQL Integration:

  • Save player scores in a MySQL database.
  • Display the Top 10 High Scores at the start of the game.

Getting Started

1. Prerequisites

To run the project, you need the following installed on your system:

  • C Compiler: GCC (MinGW or TDM-GCC for Windows).
  • MySQL Server: To store and manage high scores.
  • MySQL Connector for C: To enable communication between your C program and MySQL.

Installation Guide

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone<your-username>/snake-game-c-sql.git
cd snake-game-c-sql

Step 2: Install MySQL Connector

  1. Download the MySQL Connector for C from MySQL Connector/C Downloads.
  2. Extract the files to a directory, e.g., C:\mysql-connector-c.
  3. Add the lib and include folders to your system's Environment Variables (PATH).

Step 3: Set Up the Database

  1. Open your MySQL Command Line Client or Workbench.
  2. Create a database and table:
    CREATE DATABASE snake_game;
    USE snake_game;
    CREATE TABLE high_scores (
        player_name VARCHAR(50),
        score INT,

Step 4: Update Database Credentials

Edit the database connection details in main.c:

mysql_real_connect(conn, "localhost", "your-username", "your-password", "snake_game", 3306, NULL, 0);


  • your-username with your MySQL username.
  • your-password with your MySQL password.

Step 5: Compile the Code

Use GCC to compile the program:

gcc -o snake_game main.c -IC:\mysql-connector-c\include -LC:\mysql-connector-c\lib -lmysql

Step 6: Run the Game

Run the executable:


Gameplay Instructions

  1. Start the Game:
    • Run the program, and the Top 10 high scores will be displayed.
  2. Control the Snake:
    • Use the keyboard:
      • W: Up
      • A: Left
      • S: Down
      • D: Right
    • Alternatively, use arrow keys.
  3. Goal:
    • Eat food (X) to grow and increase your score.
    • Avoid colliding with walls (#) or the snake itself.
  4. Game Over:
    • When the game ends, your score is saved in the database.
    • Restart to play again.

File Structure

├── main.c           # Main game logic and database integration
├──        # Project documentation


Common Errors

  1. libmysql.dll not found:
    • Ensure the libmysql.dll file is in the same directory as your executable or in a directory listed in your PATH.
  2. Database Connection Issues:
    • Verify that the MySQL server is running and the credentials in main.c are correct.
  3. Compilation Errors:
    • Ensure the paths to include and lib folders are correct in your gcc command.

Test Database Connection

Run this simple query in main.c to test the connection:

if (conn) {
    printf("Connected to MySQL successfully!\n");
} else {
    printf("MySQL connection failed: %s\n", mysql_error(conn));

Future Enhancements

  • Add difficulty levels (increase speed as the score increases).
  • Introduce obstacles for added challenge.
  • Use advanced libraries like ncurses to improve graphics.
  • Allow players to resume saved games.



If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me: