
I am unable to start the server. Please help!

Shubhamverma2796 opened this issue · 4 comments

Whenever I am trying to run the server, I am getting the following error :
ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from 'celery' (C:\Open source\Hot-Food\env\lib\site-packages\
Screenshot (457)

@Shubhamverma2796 Did you install celery library?

Whenever I am trying to run the server, I am getting the following error :
ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from 'celery' (C:\Open source\Hot-Food\env\lib\site-packages\
Screenshot (457)

try '''pip install django-celery'''..see if that resolves your issue..If it doesn't let me know

pip install django-celery

i'm closing this issue...if anyone in the future face similar error reopen this issue